Monday, December 14, 2009

Working on our game(:

We have been working on our game. We added sound and some interaction. When we added sound, we had to find what sound we wanted to have in our game. Adding interaction was confusing in some ways, but it was fun. I loved how our game moved around, and made sound. I'd say adding interaction was the hardest thing we've done so far! Adding sound was very easy to do. I actually loved adding sound to our game(: It was great!

Friday, December 4, 2009

I wasnt here- 12-3-09

I had to have surgery yesterday, so I was not here. I hear we had to play a game; but I couldnt.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


When I get older I want to study the stars. Astronomy is a big part of my life. I love going out at night and looking at the stars. I believe the stars tell a story about the many years before we were even born. Astronomy is amazing and beautiful. I will always love astronomy no matter what. It just makes me feel so alive and happy. When I become an astronomer I was to find a new planet. That would be so cool! Astronomy is great and I wish everyone could see that. Astronomy isn't just about the stars, it's also about the planets that are in our solar system. In my opinion, the planets are stunning, and important.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Working on adding navigation

Working with navigation was fun but hard! It was confusing but I quess it was ok. Adding navigation was alot of fun though. You get to work with different buttons and make them unique. Our game is going to look great with our navigation. We had to learn new things about codes and the way to make our buttons with navigation work. That was the hard part! I dont think there was anything fun about that part. The truth is, itexciting and I love it.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Working with my group is great! We have so much fun, and we help each other. My group is supportive of each other. Our team name is Thriller! MJ is our main character. Our game is coming along great! We have almost every level made. Each level gets harder and harder. MJ dances his way to victory. We wanted this game to be about MJ because it seemed like a great idea.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Drawing in flash is hard, but fun. I love working with the diffrent tools and colors. My favorite color is a light purple, so I use that color alot. I have made the About The Game part, and The Title Scene. It was fun because I got to work with The diffrent shapes, and colors and I even got to draw MJ! That part was hard. I had to redraw him so many times!Other than trying to have to draw him about a million times, it was extreamly fun. I love drawing in flash, and I know its going to get harder the more we work with it.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Planning your game

We had to plan our game. Here is the link to it, so watch it please!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Educational Gaming

Well I know that its awesome to have fun while you're learning, but I personally don't like them. I just think educational games defete the whole purpose of video games. A video game is fun, non-learning, and basically everything an educational game isn't. I have played educational games, and that was on studyisland. I actually did learn something when I played the games from that site. I learned how to do math. I guess educational games can create a learning atmosphere. It will help kids get smarter, but they do need a break sometime. I mean, we go to school all day, go home and what; learn math by a video game? I just don't like them.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Im excited about making my game. MJ saves the world! He will have to use his amazing dance moves to win the game. This game is going to be one of a kind. We wanted to make a game about him because he was the coolest guy alive. Go MJ!!!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

I liked these two blogs the best. They talked about math, and everything in between. The first on is just a normal man, who loves math, that blogs about it. But the second one is about math. It tells you everything you need to know about it. I would have to say the second on is my favorite one out of all three! But the third on is amazing, because it was written by kids in New Mexico.

Monday, September 21, 2009


It is important for us to know that, the Internet has many right and wrong things on it. It's good to have because it helps teens with their homework, it helps men and woman send emails very fast. The Internet also has some bad things on it. Chat rooms, and some very bad sites are just an example of whats on the Internet. Our safety on the Internet isn't a joke. We need to be safe. Don't tell someone you don't know your address, phone number, or anything else for that matter. I think the Internet is only as safe, as you want it to be. It's your choice to get on there, and tell people your phone number, or address. All I have to say about the issue, is; Think before you act!

Friday, September 11, 2009


I don't really like math. I think it's alittle hard to understand sometimes. I try to do my best in all my classes, but I think math is the only class that Im bad at. Maybe one day I'll be able to understand it. My favorite thing about math is the times tables. I think it's the easiest thing to do in math. All you have to do is multiply a number by a number or by it's self. I like that part of math. I think my least favorite subject in math is Integers. I think thats so hard! Oh, and another subject I think is hard in math is trying to put decimals, and fractions in order from greatest to least, or least to greatest. I don't like it that much.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Today we finished our wiki pages. I think it's allot of fun. Then we had to follow other blogger's, but I like it. I added some songs to my blog. I really don't know which song I'd pick as my favorite. I can't wait until we start making our game. I think it's going to be hard work, but also fun! Globaloria is amazing. We get to use Web 2.o. I think the most important thing in this world is peace. Peace is no more wars, and no more fighting.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Im very excited about this class. Im hoping I can make a game about super barbie. She's going to be able to fly, and have super strength. Super barbie, is going to have to save the day! Super barbie will have hair, that changes colors, depending on her mood. Super barbie, will be amazing! Like I said before, Im very excited to be in this class. I believe it helps me understand computers better. This class is very fun, because I can make a game, spend time working on something thats important to me.